Parent and Family Engagement Plan

The following is to ensure school-level parent and family engagement plans meet the requirements of Section 1116(b) of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), as amended by the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)


The above named school agrees to the following assurances:

  • Involve parents of children served in Title I, Part A in decisions about how Title I Part A funds are spent;
  • Carry out the programs, activities, and procedures in accordance with the definitions in Section 8101 of ESEA;
  • Jointly develop/revise plan with parent and make available to the local community;
  • Involve parents and families in planning, reviewing, and improving schoolwide program plan;
  • Use the findings of parent and family engagement plan review to design strategies for more effective engagement, and to review, if necessary, the school's parent and family engagement plan;
  • Provide each family with timely notice information regarding their right to request information on the professional qualifications of the student's classroom teachers and paraprofessionals;
  • Notify each family, in a timely manner, when their child has been assigned, or has been taught for four or more consecutive weeks, by a teacher(s) who is out of field;
  • Provide each family with an individualized student report about the performance of their child(ren) on the State assessments [ESEA Section 1116]

Mission Statement

1. Does the mission statement include:

How the parent and family engagement plan is a shared responsibility?

How the parent and family engagement plan will assist in providing high quality instruction for all learners?

The mission of Oakshire Elementary School is to lead our students to success with the support and engagement of families and the community. We are committed to creating a partnership between the school, families, and the community to help all students reach high levels of academic and social achievement. We will host multiple curriculum nights aligned to grade level standards to model instructional strategies for home and school.

Involvement of Parents

2. Does the plan include:

How the school will involve the parents and families in an organized, ongoing, and timely manner in the planning, review and improvement of Title I programs, including involvement in decision making of how funds for Title I will be used [ESEA Section 1116]?

  • Oakshire Elementary will involve parents through PTA, SAC, Title I Annual Meetings, Committee meetings, and PLC meetings.

  • People responsible are members of the SAC committee, members of the school leadership and administrative team, and members of the PTA.

  • SAC member selection will be voted on at the first meeting.

  • The input from parents will be documented through surveys, question and answer sections, evaluation forms, and meeting minutes.

  • SAC updates our Parental and Family Engagement Plan once a year in May. Notes are taken at the meeting and then the changes that are requested are made to the plan.

  • Parents will be involved in the development of the plan through the end of the year SAC retreat and beginning of the year Title I Annual meeting.

  • The school will offer family nights where parents will receive tools on student activities related to reading, math, and science.

Coordination and Integration with Other Federal Programs

3. Does the plan include:

How the school will coordinate and integrate parent and family engagement programs and activities?

How the school will coordinate and integrate parent and family activities that teach parents how to help their child(ren) at home [ESEA Section 1116]?

Oakshire Elementary School will coordinate and integrate parent and family engagement programs through planned events during the school year. The family nights will give parents the tools needed to help their child at home.



Title I

Parents will be invited to attend curriculum nights in reading and STEM. Information will be provided on how they can help their child with their studies and content covered in the curriculum by grade level. A Florida Standards Night will be held to explain the standards and tests for grades 3rd-5th. We will also have an Early Literacy Night to present information to parents that will teach them early reading strategies. This will help their child increase phonemic awareness, phonics skills, and fluency.


VPK and Title I will work with parents and Kindergarten teachers to help with students' transition into the regular school program. Activities may include: coordinated meetings with parents, VPK teachers, and the Kindergarten teachers to discuss the specific learning needs of students, joint parent meeting to discuss transitioning, etc. At the end of the school year we will have a Kindergarten orientation for students who will be attending Oakshire the following year.


Parents will be informed of the additional support and materials provided for their child through Title I funding during the development of student's IEP.

Title III

Parents will be informed of the additional support and materials provided for their child.

Title II

Professional development will be provided to support the professional development needs of the staff.

Title X

McKinney Vento Program provides support to our homeless students.

Annual Parent Meeting

4. Does the plan include:

A description of the specific steps the school will take to conduct the annual meeting to inform parents and families of participating children about the school's

Title I program?

A description of the nature of the Title I Program that is shared with parents (schoolwide or targeted assistance)?

A description of how the meeting will cover adequate yearly progress (AYP), school choice, and the rights of parents are covered at the annual meeting?

Oakshire Elementary will host an annual Title I meeting to inform parents and families of children participating in Title I program at the beginning of the school year. We will host a single meeting to educate parents via the following methods:

  • Annual Yearly Progress (AYP) via PowerPoint Presentation and handouts
  • School Choice via district handouts and policies
  • The rights of parents via brochure

Parents and families are informed of the nature of the Title I program by the following statement:

Title I schools receive services from the largest federal aid to education program in existence. Title I has been in existence since 1965 and continues to level the academic playing field for children victimized by poverty. Title I funds provide services and educational programs to help students achieve. Title I/Migrant Programs administer in excess of $500 million in federal funds to school districts and agencies in Florida for high quality supplemental instruction and support services for educationally disadvantaged children. Our mission is to provide leadership and technical assistance to local education agencies (LEAs) and local operating agencies (LOAs) to implement programs and services that ensure that all children have a fair, equal and significant opportunity to obtain a high-quality education and reach, at a minimum, proficiency on challenging state academic achievement standards and state academic assessments. We provide service to local school districts, agencies, private schools and local neglected and delinquent institutions for Title I, Migrant, and Homeless Programs.

For more information please visit the Florida Department of Education, Office of Title I Programs and Academic Intervention Services at and le our district's Title I website

Activity/ Task

Person Responsible


Evidence of Effectiveness

The Leadership Team will discuss plan for Title I Annual Meeting

LEA Representative, Reading Coach, Principal

The Week of August 6, 2018

Leadership Agenda

Send out invitations to the Title I Annual meeting through phone calls.

LEA Representative, Reading Coach, Principal

The week of September 3, 2018

Copy of message

Send out invitations to the Title I Annual meeting through flyers.

LEA Representative, Reading Coach, Principal

The week of August 27, 2018


Send out invitations to the Title I Annual meeting using school marquee and Facebook.

LEA Representative, Reading Coach, Principal

The week of September 3, 2018


Preparation of Power Point Presentation

LEA Representative, Reading Coach, Principal

The week of September 3, 2018

Power Point Presentation

Title I Annual Meeting

LEA Representative, Reading Coach, Principal

September 13, 2018


Flexible Parent Meetings

5. Does the plan include:

How will the school offer a flexible number of meetings, such as meeting in the morning or evening?

How will the school provide, with Title I funds, transportation, child care or home visits, as such services relate to parent and family engagement [ESEA Section 1116]?

The school used prior year attendance data to determine parental participation. Based on the data, the school determined whether the meetings will be held in the morning or evening time.

*The school will offer flexible meetings in the morning prior to school hours and in the evening.

*Parent Leadership Council meetings will be offered in the mornings.

* PTA meetings will be every other month on a Thursday morning at 8:00.

*The school will offer school-age day care services during parent workshops based on prior year requests.

*Parent/Teacher conferences are offered at the parent convenience before and after school hours, and during teachers planning time. In addition, if a parent needs a conference during instructional time, coverage will be made available for the teacher.

*SAC meetings will be held in the morning at 8:00 on the 1stThursday of the month.

Building Capacity

6. Does the plan include:

How the school will implement activities that will build the capacity for meaningful parent/family involvement?

How will the school implement activities that will build relationships with the community to improve student achievement?

How the school will provide material and training to assist parents/families to work with their child(ren)?

How the school will provide other reasonable support for parent/family engagement activities [ESEA Section 1116]?

Oakshire Elementary takes pride in building the capacity of all key stakeholders who play a vital role in the academic success of our students. We provide both internal and external workshops and activities that strengthen these relationships throughout the school year. Our doors are open to the community through the implementation of activities during and after school that community members and organizations can volunteer to support through our Partners In Education (PIE) coordinators as well as our ADDitions coordinators.

Our Parent Engagement Liaison (PEL) will be a main point of contact for parents to receive resources, support, and information about activities that engage parents and family.

Activity/ Task

Person Responsible

Correlation to Student Achievement


Evidence of Effectiveness

Florida Standards Night

Reading Coaches, CRT, Principal, LEA Representative

A Florida Standards Night will be held to explain the standards and the FSA to parents for grades 3rd -5th. This connects with students' achievement because it provides the parents with the information and tools they need to assist their child at home with school work and it also gives them an understanding of the expectations placed upon their child. This will help students feel more confident and comfortable when taking the FSA which will produce higher test scores.

January 24, 2019

Parent Survey

Early Literacy Night

Reading Coaches, CRT, Principal, LEA Representative

Parents will learn early reading strategies to help their child increase their phonemic awareness, phonic skills, and fluency.

November 15th, 2019

Parent Survey

STEM Night

Reading Coaches, CRT, Principal, LEA Representative

Parents will be invited to attend a curriculum night on STEM. Information will be provided on how they can help their child with their studies and content covered in the curriculum by grade level. This will help students feel more confident and comfortable when take the FCAT Science which will produce higher test scores and learning.

February 21st,2019

Parent Survey

Staff Development

7. Does the plan include:

A description of the professional development activities the school will provide to educate the teachers, specialized instructional support personnel, principals, other school leaders and other staff:

- with the assistance of parents/families, in the value and utility of contributions of parents/families?

- in how to reach out to, communicate with, and work with parents/families as equal partners?

- in implementing and coordinating parent/family programs, and in building ties between parents/families and the school [ESEA Section 1116]?

Oakshire Elementary strives to build the capacity of all school staff. Throughout the year, various professional development activities are provided to educate the teachers, specialized instructional support personnel, administrators, other school leaders and other staff to build capacity in parent and family engagement.

Activity/ Task

Person Responsible

Correlation to Student Achievement


Evidence of Effectiveness

The Importance of Parent and Family Engagement

Principal, Assistant Principal, LEA Representative

To improve the staff's understanding of why Parent and Family Engagement is important

October 24th, 2018

Exit Slips

Building Ties Between Home and School

Principal, Assistant Principal, LEA Representative

To provide staff with opportunities to build relationships with their students' parents.

December 7th, 2018

Exit Slips

Implementation and Coordination of Parent and Family Engagement programs

Principal, Assistant Principal, LEA Representative

To improve staffs' ability to coordinate parental activities.

February 22nd, 2019

Exit Slips

Communicating and Working with Parents

Principal, Assistant Principal, LEA Representative

To provide increased communication between parents and teachers to monitor student progress.

April 19th, 2019

Exit Slips

Other Activities

8. Does the plan include:

How other activities, such as the parent resource center, the school will conduct to encourage and support parents and families in more meaningful engagement in the education of their child(ren) [ESEA Section 1116]?

Parents will be encouraged in multiple ways to become active participants in their child's education. Listed below are some activities that can help achieve this goal.

Activity/ Task

Person Responsible


Evidence of Effectiveness

Book Fair

Media Clerk

1. Media Clerk will schedule two book fairs during the school year.

2. Parents will be informed and invited through the use of flyers, posters, phone, school website, Facebook, and school marquee.

3. Parent and volunteers to run the book fair will be requested via email website, Facebook and letters

Success of the activity will be determined by the amount of parent participation during the book fair family night and the amount of volunteers.

Kindergarten Holiday Play

Kindergarten teachers

1. The kindergarten schedules a play each school year.

2. Parents will be informed and invited through the use of flyers, posters, phone, website, and Facebook and school marquee.

Success of the activity will be determined by the amount of parents who attend.

Special Area Showcase

Art, Music, and PE teachers

1. The event will be scheduled in spring 2019.

2. Special area teachers work on presentations throughout the year.

3. Parents are invited to attend the event starting three weeks in advance through newsletters and School Messenger. Announcements on Facebook and the marquee will take place one week prior to the event.

4. Sign in sheets will be created.

5. Parents attend the Showcase to see the learning their children have been involved in while attending Art, Music, and PE.

Sign in sheets


9. Does the plan include:

How the school will provide timely information about the Title I programs?

How the school will describe and explain the curriculum at the school, the forms of assessment used to measure student progress and the achievement levels students are expected to obtain?

How, if requested by parents, the school provides opportunities for regular meetings to formulate suggestions and to participate, as appropriate, in decisions relating to the education of their child(ren)/

How the school will submit parents/ families comments if the schoolwide plan is not satisfactory to them [ESEA Section 1116]?

During Oakshire's Open House Night, parents will be informed about Title I programs along with opportunities to participate in PTA and SAC. When visiting their child's teacher, they will be educated about the curriculum, academic assessments and how to schedule parent-teacher meetings. Program nights (such as Florida Standards Night) will be held during the year to discuss with parents areas of the curriculum and how they can best help their child at home. Information packets will be provided to all students whose parents are unable to attend the event on the following day and will placed on the website. Connect Orange phone calls will be sent to parents informing and reminding them of these event nights in advance and will also be mentioned in monthly newsletters. Parents will also receive a flyer two weeks before the event and it will be put up on the school marquee a week before the event takes place. The flyer will be sent home with students, both of which will be translated in English and Spanish. The Oakshire Website will be maintained by the school Tech Coordinator and have the most current information and dates of events in the school and include encouragement for parents to participate. Sign-in sheets will be provided to the teachers with a copy given to school's CRT. The principal will monitor the dissemination of information.


10. Does the plan include:

A description of how the school will provide full opportunities for participation in parent/family engagement activities for all parents/families?

A description of how the school will share information related to school an parent/family programs, meetings, school reports, and other activities in an understandable, uniform format, and in languages that the parents/families can understand?

The school will provide a Spanish translator in all meetings and school activities.

  • All school newsletters and invitations to school-wide activities will be provided in Spanish.

  • Phone calls will be made to those parents that can't attend due to their barrier. All materials that were given out at the parent event will be sent home with the student. We will also try to make accommodations for any parent who would like to attend but has specific needs due to their disability.

  • Information will be available in the school's front office for parents' knowledge.

  • Information will be disseminated in English, Spanish and other languages. Copies will be kept for evidence.

  • To ensure that all parents receive information sent from the school we will post important documents on our website, have copies in our front office, and use our School Messenger system.

-Translation services for other languages will be provided upon request in conjunction with OCPS.

Discretionary Activities

11. Does the plan include:

Any activities that are not required, but will be paid for through Title I, Part A funding (for example: home visits, transportation for meetings, activities related to parent/family engagement, etc.)

Activity/ Task

Person Responsible

Correlation to Student Achievement


Evidence of Effectiveness

Providing necessary literacy training for parents from Title I, Part A funds, if the LEA has exhausted all other reasonably available sources of funding for that training [Section 1118(e)(7)]; and

Reading Coaches, Science Teacher, LEA Representative, CRT, Principal, Assistant Principal, CT

This will allow more parents to attend the family nights and obtain more information to help their child be successful.

November 15th, 2018

January 24th,2019

February 21st, 2019

Maximizing parental involvement and participation in their children's education by arranging school meetings at a variety of times, or conducting in-home conferences between teachers or other educators, who work directly with participating children, with parents who are unable to attend those conferences at school [Section 1118(e)(10)];

Principal, Assistant Principal, CT,CRT, Reading Coaches, LEA Representative

To help parents have effective communication with the teacher in order to maximize student learning.

August 2018-May 2019


12. Does the plan include:

A description of the barriers that hindered participation by parents during the previous school year?

A description of the steps the school will take during the upcoming school year to overcome the barriers (with particular attention paid to parents/families who are disabled, have limited English proficiency, and parents/families of migratory children [ESEA Section 1116]?

Oakshire Elementary faces the following barriers to parent and family engagement:

  • Family Obligations
  • Parents with multiple jobs
  • Child care
  • Language

Below are the steps that we will take to address these barriers.

Barriers (Including the Specific Subgroup)

Steps the School will Take to Overcome

Family Obligations (FRL, ELL)

Provide meals and different times for school events

Parents with multiple jobs in our population (FRL, ELL)

Post the presentation on the web and offer the parents a hardcopy.

Child care (FRL, ELL)

Provide school-aged child care at all events.

Lack of English language acquisition (ELL)

Sessions provided in Spanish at all training and all school flyers send in Spanish too.

School-Parent Compact

13. Does the plan include:

As a component of the school-level parental involvement policy/plan, each school shall jointly develop, with parents for all children served under this part, a school-parent compact that outlines how parents, the entire school staff, and students will share the responsibility for improved student academic achievement?

Provide a scanned copy with this document of the School-Parent Compact and evidence of parent input in the development of the compact.

July 18: The 2018-2019 School-Parent Compact has not been created yet.

September 21st- The compact is almost complete.


The parental involvement policy/plan has been developed jointly with, and agreed on with, parents of children participating in Title I, Part A programs, as evidence by

This policy/plan was adopted by the school on and will be in effect for the period of .

The School will distribute this policy to all parents of participating Title I, Part A children on or before .

Signature of Authorized Personnel


Provide evidence that this policy/plan has been developed with the input from parents based on the review of the previous school years Parent and Family Engagement Plan if applicable.

The following documents can be submitted as evidence:

  • Parent survey of previous year's events and activities
  • Any SAC and PTA artifacts where Title I/PFE topics were on the agenda
  • Parent Feedback Summary of PFEP Evaluation
  • Parent and Family Engagement Activities Tracking Form